Spring Fling & Read

The garden is amazing this time of year

So these are some photos I’d like to share

Please help me out with the names of the flowers

I’m bathing in sunshine between storms and showers

So here we have to my right

Watsonias, tall with flowers pure white

Over here now look straight ahead

Alstroemerias yellow and mostly red

But my favourite ones of them all

Sparaxis so pink and tall

Oh my god if that’s not enough

Our rhodos pink and strong and tough

The birds are out and enjoying the bread

While I’m looking at the island out ahead

And Tui are swarming high and low

Looking at us suspiciously here below

The Tui enjoying a frenzied feed

While I pick up my brilliant book time to read

Whiskey Lima Golf is now the talk of the town

So check out Bach Doctor Press and stick aroun

The Joys of Spring Down Under

We may be in Lockdown but there is always a silver lining to everything challenging that appears to test us. And here amongst the storms (political and climatic) we get to take a closer look at the change in seasons during the early days of Spring. Look what sprung up! Check out these cool things that have been popping up since the 1st of September Down Under.

The first of September has raised her head

With plenty of flowers, pink, mauve and also red

Daffodils now have been and gone

But between the storms the sun has shone

Orchids and tulips, yellow and pink

Macadamia nuts? That’s what we think

Heaps of birds on the scrounge

I can hear their chorus from the lounge

Like the fantail who darts with you from A to B

The cutest and cheekiest bird you will ever see

The doves and waxeye love dining out on grapefruit

But the piwakawaka my favourite so so cute

And last of all the blossom pink and white

Watching the Canadian geese in full flight

Being stuck at home can take it’s toll

But watching nature is so good for the soul!

Fairies Fabulous Fairies

Fairies aren’t they the most fabulous creatures?

With fine and fabulous fanciful features

They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes

Always unannounced and full of surprises

You can see them in the meadows and amongst the flowers

Appearing more vivid between the showers

Red, pink, white and often green

The prettiest guys you’ve ever seen

All sorts of colours with a unique aura

Dancing around the foliage and the flora

If you sit there for a just a wee while

Out the side of your eyes you will see one smile

So next time you are out there amongst the trees

And suddenly from nowhere feel a breeze

It may be one trying to communicate

So take some time to contemplate

You never know what you might see

A feathered friend or bumble bee

Or maybe, just maybe

A wee sprite darting behind a tree

Living ‘off the land’ in LOCKDOWN

Auckland, New Zealand is back in Lockdown (three days at this stage) and the rest of New Zealand/Aotearoa has some restrictions – but there is a silver lining to another 21st century event – Mother Nature…

No time to muck around

Auckland is back in ‘LOCKDOWN’

We’re tucked away in our nature retreat

In solitude, writing and feeling sweet

The Hibiscus, in full bloom after a day of water falling from the sky

Got our supplies and living ‘off the land’

Dancing to the drummer – in our own band

Plenty of onions, herbs and silver beet

Blueberries, bananas and oranges oh so sweet

A small gift from Papatuanuku (Mother Nature) – Gaia

The water tanks are almost full!

Thanks to the torrential rain, oh so cool

Fruit trees and flowers have quenched their thirst

The tanks in the summer are FULL, it’s a first!

Solar panels, have kept our water hot

I tell you self-sufficient ‘on this small lot’

Bananas straight off the vine – we are sharing with the local bird menagerie though as you can see 🙂

Cyclones and (a touch of) Covid – a Lethal Combo?

Add a tropical cyclone with a ‘touch of’ Covid, and what do you get? Flying saucers? Flying boats?

Palm waving madly in the wind

We’ve experienced an almighty Front

Yes the ‘North’ has taken the biggest brunt

Sandwiched between a gusty wind and cyclone

Thank god I’m not all alone

Collecting ‘gold’ – fresh water from the skies

Shelter belts and the like all came down

Flower pots rolling along the uneven ground

Buckets of rain water being quickly filled

Better than paying water rates and being billed

After the cyclone, a bit of a feng shui – lost and misplaced deckchairs

Palm tree fronds flying dangerously through the air

An upside down table and flying chair

Whether it’s global warming or climate change

The weather is acting really strange

Trellis torn away from it’s usual home – now sitting horizontal

The rain and wind are stepping up a gear

I’m battening down the hatches, retreating into our writers lair.

New Zealand’s Great outdoors:

majestic mountains, Thermal Hot pools and more…

The mountains, majestic sprinkled with snow

Nearly stuck in the ice, we drive so slow

Mt Ruapehu, Ngāurahoe and Tongariro

All Big Three lined up strategically in a row

Driving through the Desert Road with no-one aroun’

The purple heather now turned to brown

Onto Taupo just check out the lake

In the autumn sun, we sit and bake

Out on the waters’ edge we check out the daily catch

Then with our dinner head for the bach

As the sun goes down and the evening cools

We head for our secret thermal hot pools

Full of minerals and great for the skin

We finally relax and laugh and grin

Soaking in the goodness from Mother Earth

Magnesium sulphur and all her good worth

Then into the main pool for one more lap

Oh so invigorating, and that’s a rap

To ‘Do’ or To ‘Be’ – Clara’s Childhood Escapades

Clara aka Flat White in ‘Scorpions In Stilettos‘ is keeping a journal of her roller coaster of emotions and the triggers in her life, how she reacts versus responds to the world, her thoughts, feelings and behaviour.

Some of her ‘real, authentic’ thoughts hit the pages of the book and some didn’t.

Here are a few for you to ponder over.

Wow what does Flat White have to do to stay in shape like this??

To slip from one world to another

The freedom it offers like no other

You see when I was young, I got bored

And at times it was often ignored

Her favourite childhood fairy

So, I created myself an imaginary friend

Not exactly a popular trend

But I didn’t like being on my own

And had a lot of time all alone

Flat White’s child hood escape, the garden next door

I would sit there so meek and mild

And let my imagination just run wild

I’d sit alone anywhere and contemplate

You grown ups may call it to meditate

A Kereru (wood pigeon) in the next door garden

I relaxed every muscle in my body

Becoming no one, nothing, no body

I would breath in 1, 2, 3

Breath out feeling free

Now I’m grown up I’ve returned to meditation

Now every morning it’s my ritual I do without hesitation

Changing Your Behaviour, Part II

How’s creating Your new rituals going?

Treat yourself to a luxurious bath or shower with your favourite music playing. Wash your hair, scrub your body, brush your teeth. lather your whole body in moisturiser.

Get out of the house, go for a walk. take your headphones, go to the beach, the bush and walk. Smile at strangers and be surprised at how many people smile back at you. Bring your dog and observe their behaviour. you can learn from your dog. Your dog doesn’t have any filters or judgements, he/she is just real and loves to play.

Message friends and family with personal jokes, or reminisce. Initiate a catch up even if you are too busy!

Think long and hard about what interests you. Adventure? Murder mystery? Crime? Sex? Romance? History? Find a book about it and read it. There is a book about literally everything. 

Evolve into the person you would ideally fall in love with.

Let traffic merge into your lane when driving.

Pay double for parking tickets and leave a second one in the machine.

Stick your tongue out at babies.

Help an animal.

Compliment people on their behaviour, clothes, accessories.

Challenge yourself to not ridicule anyone for a whole day, then two, then a week.

Stand, sit, walk with a straight posture.

Look people in the eye.

Ask people about their story and listen.

Talk to acquaintances so they become friends.

Back outdoors, hang in the sunshine.

Daydream about the life you would lead if failure wasn’t a thing.

Open your eyes, notice different things and take in details.

Take small steps to make this all happen for you…”

Kindly written by Author: Emma Elsworthy. Thanks Emma, I love this and am practising many of these. Thanks so much for sharing!

Changing Behaviour – Part I

Ever tried to change your behaviour, your habits with new ones, trying out new rituals?

We are in the process of changing a few ‘outlived habits’ that are well past their ‘use by date’ – still on our Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Dairy Free diet and now learning more about the Circadian rhythm to improve our sleep.

Here are some tips I found the other day.

It’s all about baby steps, one step forward, so it’s not too much of a huge change all in one go…

Rise out of bed before the rest of the globe – start with 7am, then 6am, then 5:30am. See if you are lucky enough watch the sun rise!

Jump into bed earlier so you can fall asleep earlier, like 11pm, progress to 10pm, then 9pm and wake up in the morning feeling re-energized and comfortable. Stand in your garden barefoot, or lie down and feel the sunshine on your skin. 

Get into the routine by starting the day, if you don’t already, with a good healthy breakfast, eggs, fresh avocado, fresh fruit … 

Stretch your body, do the Victory pose, reach for the sky as hard as you can, touch or aim for your toes, roll your head, stretch your fingers, stretch everything, all of those redundant parts of your body.

Purchase a 1L water bottle and down 1L of water a day, then once you can do that, go for twice as much!

Buy a diary that resonates with you, funky bright or neutral colours, what ever resonates with you… and a beautiful black or blue pen and write down everything you do, including dinner dates, appointments, assignments, coffees, what you need to do that day, your goals, your self-care. All those little steps, so you can look back and see how far you have come!

Dig your fingers and toes into the earth. Go a bit further and plant a seed or two and celebrate your success as it grows every day. Prune a shrub, rose or tree and watch mother natures magic as they grow new shoots and flowers.

Re-arrange your room, shelves and books, fold all your clothes and do a ‘feng shui’ spring clean, donate what you don’t want to your favourite or closest charity shop. Clean your mirror, your laptop, vacuum the floor. Light a beautiful candle, burn essential oils.

Breathe. practice your deep belly breathing. Ground yourself often. 

More great tips coming soon…

Mid-Winter Swim at Titahi Bay

Titahi Bay, a great Wellington beach

It’s July and freezing cold, but let’s catch a wave

A mid-winter swim now let’s be brave

The beach is amazing with boat sheds every colour under the sun

But catching a wave or two is heaps of fun

The multi-coloured Boat Sheds

Dogs are off their leads on their daily run

The locals and surfers are out yes everyone

Fishermen at work out on an old fishing boat

Surfies are yakking as they stay afloat

Mana Island just off the coast of Titahi Bay

Mana Island sits there just off the coast

We come back to shore and propose a toast

The ocean is so good for your soul

But I’m feeling the cold, the temperature takes it’s toll

Anyone for a swim? A calmer day without the waves

So time to collect wood and light a fire

As I get changed into winter woolly evening attire