Retreating to a ‘bach’ or ‘beach’ this summer?

Merry Xmas from the ‘Land of Down Under’

Taking time out, yes at a Kiwi bach

Eating fish from the weekly catch

Hanging out by the communal pool

In the breeze refreshingly cool

On a cold night, lighting a fire

Dressing in PJs, the evening attire

Taking a ride in a rubber boat

Cooling down while afloat

Playing swing ball and monopoly with the one you love

Being serenaded by a solo dove

Reading ‘Whiskey Lima Golf’ in the shade

Under an umbrella that’s begun to fade

Blobbing on the deck in the sun

Just enjoying old fashion, meagre fun

Join the Kiwis at the beach this summer

Even if you are working through, not such a bummer

Then after hours, collect up your togs, towel and hat

Head for the beach with your loved ones, dog or cat!

Spring Fling & Read

The garden is amazing this time of year

So these are some photos I’d like to share

Please help me out with the names of the flowers

I’m bathing in sunshine between storms and showers

So here we have to my right

Watsonias, tall with flowers pure white

Over here now look straight ahead

Alstroemerias yellow and mostly red

But my favourite ones of them all

Sparaxis so pink and tall

Oh my god if that’s not enough

Our rhodos pink and strong and tough

The birds are out and enjoying the bread

While I’m looking at the island out ahead

And Tui are swarming high and low

Looking at us suspiciously here below

The Tui enjoying a frenzied feed

While I pick up my brilliant book time to read

Whiskey Lima Golf is now the talk of the town

So check out Bach Doctor Press and stick aroun

Freyja, the Goddess connected with Love, Beauty… and Magic

Freyja “(the) Lady” is a goddess connected with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and magic for seeing and influencing the future. Freyja rides a chariot pulled by two cats…

And she is the reason for being a little preoccupied elsewhere.

Sorry for being temporarily slack

But I’ve stumbled across something slim and black

Yes someone I’ve been having all sorts of chats

And this is for those lovers of magical cats

We named her after the main character in our Book Two

She one day appeared just ‘out of the blue’

Her name is Freyja and she popped in from the wild

Very tiny and innocent just like a child

Her coat shiny and black and white

Camouflages well in the dead of the night

When she heads outdoors to investigate

Later heading home in such a state

Cobwebs covering every inch of her face

She’s a little wary of the human race

Which is understandable as dumped in the past

But now she’s found a safe haven, yes at last

Everyone needs to find a retreat, a hideaway

Some place you connect with and wanna stay

Freyja and humans are the same in that similar way

Pining for somewhere to come home to at the end of the day

Sea Shanties & Shipwrecks

Fascinated by ship wrecks and stories of the sea? How do these ships end up where they do? What becomes of shipwrecks? As a child did you used to explore the seaside? And intrigued by what you found. In the North Island on the edge of the Kāpiti Coast we used to pretend we were Rose and Jack from ‘Titanic’ and stand on the bow of a local shipwreck and dream of faraway lands.

Ships and shipwrecks have always been a point of fascination

I cannot find a valid explanation

Learning about the history of ships that sail no more

The majority of them swept up on rocks or ashore

Like the ‘Wahine’ on April 10, 1968

Can you remember that fateful date?

In Wellington harbour she finished her days

In the early hours near Seatoun, along the bays

Then there was the ‘Hydrabad’ on her way from Adelaide

Becoming a victim of a shipwreck raid

This sailing ship on a stormy voyage

With a couple of crew, wives and civies on this passage

On her way to a destination

But nature had her intervention

Heading up the Kāpiti Coast

With Captain Homewood playing host

The strong winds pushed her in

The poor ship out of control, on a spin

Landing on a sandy bank

The hull hitting the sandbar with a clank

They tried to refloat her, they gave it a crack

To get the sailing ship back on track

But alas the winds were far too strong

The weather conditions for sailing were completely wrong

She had now beached herself too close to shore

Her days at sea were no more

All the escapades of refloating her taken in by local folk

Anything of value, the vandals went for broke

Today over a century later there she lays

Buried beneath the sand where no one plays

But back in the days as a child

I played on her, running wild

Climbing over her broken mast

Happy memories of the past

Standing up the front with arms out wide

Down in the ships cabin we would play and hide

Walking along the old beams from starboard

Then 1, 2, 3 jump, now over board

She used to protrude high out of the sand

For miles down the beach, you could see her stand

That was the days before Health and Safety came into play

When you could run havoc, night and day

Childhood memories of being shipwrecked out at sea

Adventures and innocent fun and home by tea

Make sure you hold onto those memories and relive those days

Happy times playing at the beach and around the bays

The Joys of Spring Down Under

We may be in Lockdown but there is always a silver lining to everything challenging that appears to test us. And here amongst the storms (political and climatic) we get to take a closer look at the change in seasons during the early days of Spring. Look what sprung up! Check out these cool things that have been popping up since the 1st of September Down Under.

The first of September has raised her head

With plenty of flowers, pink, mauve and also red

Daffodils now have been and gone

But between the storms the sun has shone

Orchids and tulips, yellow and pink

Macadamia nuts? That’s what we think

Heaps of birds on the scrounge

I can hear their chorus from the lounge

Like the fantail who darts with you from A to B

The cutest and cheekiest bird you will ever see

The doves and waxeye love dining out on grapefruit

But the piwakawaka my favourite so so cute

And last of all the blossom pink and white

Watching the Canadian geese in full flight

Being stuck at home can take it’s toll

But watching nature is so good for the soul!

Fairies Fabulous Fairies

Fairies aren’t they the most fabulous creatures?

With fine and fabulous fanciful features

They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes

Always unannounced and full of surprises

You can see them in the meadows and amongst the flowers

Appearing more vivid between the showers

Red, pink, white and often green

The prettiest guys you’ve ever seen

All sorts of colours with a unique aura

Dancing around the foliage and the flora

If you sit there for a just a wee while

Out the side of your eyes you will see one smile

So next time you are out there amongst the trees

And suddenly from nowhere feel a breeze

It may be one trying to communicate

So take some time to contemplate

You never know what you might see

A feathered friend or bumble bee

Or maybe, just maybe

A wee sprite darting behind a tree

Up For a Trip ‘On Rails’ – New Zealand Style

Ever been fascinated by kicking back and letting someone else do the driving, take charge of the itinerary? Then a luxurious train journey across New Zealand or into work is the way to go. These two trains do the North Island, it will take you from Auckland to the capital city, all in a day or to work …

Sven our main character in ‘Sharks with Lipstick’ she is obsessed by train journeys, here is a pic of the one she takes each day into work, it is has it’s very own buffet car come bar.

Commuting to work with your mates

Talking about your latest dates

Travelling daily on the Kapiti train

Gossing with your mates, who keep you sane

The commuting train the Trinity girls often take

Even wanted to see the country, but in style

Then take a train and see each mile

New Zealand has so much beautiful countryside for you to see

Cruising inland and out again by the sea

Northern Explorer on the Mangaweka Viaduct

Take the Northern Explorer from Wellington to the City of Sails

Just twelve hours ‘on the rails’

Panoramic views along the way

A ‘fab’ way to spend the day

Checking out mountains – the National Park

Meeting fellow explorers, having a lark

Having a meal and a drink or two

Kicking back with so much to see and far less to do

Living ‘off the land’ in LOCKDOWN

Auckland, New Zealand is back in Lockdown (three days at this stage) and the rest of New Zealand/Aotearoa has some restrictions – but there is a silver lining to another 21st century event – Mother Nature…

No time to muck around

Auckland is back in ‘LOCKDOWN’

We’re tucked away in our nature retreat

In solitude, writing and feeling sweet

The Hibiscus, in full bloom after a day of water falling from the sky

Got our supplies and living ‘off the land’

Dancing to the drummer – in our own band

Plenty of onions, herbs and silver beet

Blueberries, bananas and oranges oh so sweet

A small gift from Papatuanuku (Mother Nature) – Gaia

The water tanks are almost full!

Thanks to the torrential rain, oh so cool

Fruit trees and flowers have quenched their thirst

The tanks in the summer are FULL, it’s a first!

Solar panels, have kept our water hot

I tell you self-sufficient ‘on this small lot’

Bananas straight off the vine – we are sharing with the local bird menagerie though as you can see 🙂

What the world needs now? Love, Friendship, Connection, Sense of belonging

Like another great song from back in the day titled ‘What the world needs now is love‘ and it goes something like this…

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No not just for some but for everyone …

You get my drift? Yes love, connection, REAL FRIENDSHIP is what we all need more now than ever, so check out one of our main character’s many poems that almost made it into Scorpions in Stilettos. Clara aka Flat White is furiously writing down all her emotions, and triggers in a journal (by way of poetry) for her shrink. This one is about Friendship.

A true friend can see through all pretence

They’ll come to your rescue and defence

They know your dreams and every goal

They’ll help you dig your way out of that hole

What’s inside Flat White’s HUGE bag? Her trusty journal among other ‘bits and bobs’

They’re the best ones for those real live chats

And equally for the tiffs and those nasty spats

Sometimes you will grow away or move away

But best mates like Clara, Freya and Sven are here to stay

Flat White’s bus stop, part of her daily commute to and from work

These three gals have been around through stormy weather

They are tight and best friends that’s forever

Sharing the same values, ethics and morals

Not the type to sit around on their laurels

Unconditional love

Always living action-packed lives and on the run

Within all corners of their life having fun

Check out Sharks with Lipstick

Watch out for Sven what makes her tick?

From left to right, Sven, then Freya and last but not least Flat White (Clara)

Then book two Snakes in Suits

Freya having a makeover new clothes check out those boots

Scorpions in Stilettos is the finale

Watch Clara and her mum get real or gnarly

Friendship and connection are the medicine for today

Watch these girls how they both work and play

Kathmandu, Oh what to do??

The Trinity girls on their travels back in the day (and more recently), hopping from one country to another on their way to Sweden and the UK.

A stop over or two in exotic places like Nepal and India, not to mention a South Pacific Atoll or two.

Check out some of their adventures…

This pic appears on which of these three books, Sharks With Lipstick or Snakes In Suits or Scorpions In Stilettos?

Any guesses where this is and which one of the three besties? Which book cover does this scene appear on?

Oh, to be foot lose and fancy free

Like Sven and the girls, the Trinity Three

Travelling around real globe trotting

Keeping a journal furiously jotting

Checking out Nepal

Where to next? Spin the dice

Somewhere like India, all curry and spice

Flying directly into New Delhi

The curry is good but watch the belly

Stopover at a party on the beach in the Tropics

And don’t forget Nepal and Kathmandu

There are endless things there you can see and do

The markets are packed and Oh so amazing

So much to buy, all guns are blazing

Kathmandu’s wonderful wildlife park

The colours so vibrant and alive

On a Sunday they jump and they thrive

Bright coloured ‘shit catchers’ (baggy pants) are just the fashion

The girls all love them with a passion

Which character ends up here of all places, miles away from the bustling capital city of NZ

They stock up on clothes and nick-nacks

Filling their bags and back packs

Now that their shopping is all done

Time to hit the skies and have more fun

I’m leaving on a jet plane… and I don’t know when I’ll be back again (who sang these lyrics?)